Let’s own the future. Together.

Our vision is: ‘An institution that gives everyone on earth a seat at the global governance table’

By 2030, our hope is that 10 million people will be participating in a permanent global citizens’ assembly. We will have:

A core assembly to represent us all

Selected by civil lottery, between 200 and 1000 ordinary people will share lived experiences, deliberate together, and propose solutions on political issues and the biggest global challenges of our age. Anyone on earth could be selected.

Community assemblies to co-create solutions

Millions will be able to host their own smaller deliberations and feed their thoughts and opinions into the core assembly through a digital platform. This will cut to the heart of who we are as a community and produce local action plans. Anyone on earth can participate.

A campaign to get behind

A campaign will allow creatives and influencers to raise public awareness and build widespread support and participation in proposals and actions, compelling decision-influencers to align with the Assembly’s recommendations.

A new era in global decision-making

A permanent global citizens’ assembly will drive impact through:

Institutional actions

Assembly members will co-create bold solutions for some of the biggest challenges facing humanity and our home. We will endorse and implement these solutions , helping to accelerate ambition on the triple planetary crisis and the SDGs.

Learning at scale

Members will be supported to better understand the effects of climate change for them, their communities, and our shared home. They will be exposed to the latest IPCC science and diverse expert perspectives.

Citizens’ actions

Assembly members will be supported to co-create Action Plans that support them to take and call for action in their own communities for the benefit of people and the planet – regardless of the decisions made by global leaders.


Anyone on earth can join the assembly. A core assembly that’s an accurate snapshot of the world’s population will be radically inclusive, making sure voices from all walks of life, cultures, and communities are represented.


The assembly will support people from diverse backgrounds to have difficult conversations about our shared future, generating empathy and acting as an antidote to polarisation.

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